Daniel Duende é escritor, brasiliense, e tradutor (talvez nesta ordem). Sofre de um grave vício em video-games do qual nunca quis se tratar, mas nas horas vagas de sobriedade tenta descobrir o que é ser um blogueiro. Outras de suas paixões são os jogos de interpretação e sua desorganizada coleção de quadrinhos. Vez por outra tira também umas fotografias, mas nunca gosta muito do resultado.

Duende é atualmente o Coordenador do Global Voices em Português, site responsável pela tradução do conteúdo do observatório blogosférico Global Voices Online, e vez por outra colabora com o Overmundo. Mantém atualmente dois blogues, o Novo Alriada Express e O Caderno do Cluracão, e alterna-se em gostar ora mais de um, ora mais de outro, mas ambos são filhos queridos. Tem também uma conta no flickr, um fotolog e uma gata branca que acredita que ele também seja um gato.

quinta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2004

Não basta ser blogueiro, tem que participar...
Participar de pesquisas dói menos do que tirar sangue. Palavra de quem tem medo de agulha... :)


Testando a propagação de Memes na Blogosfera: adicione o seu blog. Copie o texto abaixo, trocando os dados pelos seus. Não altere o texto restante.

This posting is a community experiment that tests how a meme, represented by this blog posting, spreads across blogspace, physical space and time. It will help to show how ideas travel across blogs in space and time and how blogs are connected. It may also help to show which blogs are most influential in the propagation of memes. The dataset from this experiment will be public, and can be located via Google (or Technorati) by doing a search for the GUID for this meme (below).

The original posting for this experiment is located at: Minding the Planet (Permalink: http://novaspivack.typepad.com/nova_spivacks_weblog/2004/08/a_sonar_ping_of.html) - results and commentary will appear there in the future.

Please join the test by adding your blog (see instructions, below) and inviting your friends to participate - the more the better. The data from this test will be public and open; others may use it to visualize and study the connectedness of blogspace and the propagation of memes across blogs.

The GUID for this experiment is: as098398298250swg9e98929872525389t9987898tq98wteqtgaq62010920352598gawst (this GUID enables anyone to easily search Google (or Technorati) for all blogs that participate in this experiment). Anyone is free to analyze the data of this experiment. Please publicize your analysis of the data, and/or any comments by adding comments onto the original post (see URL above). (Note: it would be interesting to see a geographic map or a temporal animation, as well as a social network map of the propagation of this meme.)


To add your blog to this experiment, copy this entire posting to your blog, and then answer the questions below, substituting your own information, below, where appropriate. Other than answering the questions below, please do not alter the information, layout or format of this post in order to preserve the integrity of the data in this experiment (this will make it easier for searchers and automated bots to find and analyze the results later).

REQUIRED FIELDS (Note: Replace the answers below with your own answers)

(1) I found this experiment at URL: http://planeta.terra.com.br/educacao/Gutierrez/blogs/bloglab/
(2) I found it via "Newsreader Software" or "Browsing the Web" or "Searching the Web" or "An E-Mail Message": can we call BlogLines.com a Newsreader Software?
(3) I posted this experiment at URL: http://newalriadaexpress.blogspot.com
(4) I posted this on date (day, month, year): 28/09/2004
(5) I posted this at time (24 hour time): 03:23AM
(6) My posting location is (city, state, country): Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brasil

OPTIONAL SURVEY FIELDS (Replace the answers below with your own answers):

(7) My blog is hosted by: blogspot
(8) My age is: 26
(9) My gender is: male
(10) My occupation is: writer
(11) I use the following RSS/Atom reader software: bloglines.com
(12) I use the following software to post to my blog: w.bloggar
(13) I have been blogging since (day, month, year): 20/04/2002
(14) My web browser is: firefox 1.0PR
(15) My operating system is: Windows 2000 until i get really mad and install Linux.

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