Daniel Duende é escritor, brasiliense, e tradutor (talvez nesta ordem). Sofre de um grave vício em video-games do qual nunca quis se tratar, mas nas horas vagas de sobriedade tenta descobrir o que é ser um blogueiro. Outras de suas paixões são os jogos de interpretação e sua desorganizada coleção de quadrinhos. Vez por outra tira também umas fotografias, mas nunca gosta muito do resultado.

Duende é atualmente o Coordenador do Global Voices em Português, site responsável pela tradução do conteúdo do observatório blogosférico Global Voices Online, e vez por outra colabora com o Overmundo. Mantém atualmente dois blogues, o Novo Alriada Express e O Caderno do Cluracão, e alterna-se em gostar ora mais de um, ora mais de outro, mas ambos são filhos queridos. Tem também uma conta no flickr, um fotolog e uma gata branca que acredita que ele também seja um gato.

terça-feira, 27 de setembro de 2005

CINEMA STRANGE - s.t. (CD 2000)

(Sad Eyes-Trisol/Efa)

There was much to read about CINEMA STRANGE from the USA. Nearly every magazine featured them and a lot of people said, that this band saved the life of Gothic-Rock in times, when Metal bands like Cradle Of Filth or Pop bands like Him are named ?Gothic?. And yes, CINEMA STRANGE are really good. If London After Midnight is to commercial and Sex Gang Children are to uninspired these days, CINEMA STRANGE is the perfect link between these acts. Nearly all of the songs on this CD are great and a lot of them will be Gothic-Rock classics in the near future, I think. It´s strange, that an US-band plays a kind of Gothic-Rock, that is inspired a lot by the so called Batcave sound of the early and mid 80s, ´cos the US bands mostly have been influenced by Punk-Rock. Unfortunatly I did not have a chance to see CINEMA STRANGE live yet, but I guess, they offer a very good show and I hope, they will be more than a hype, like London After Midnight have been for a short time.

Beside Crüxshadows and Diva Destruction, CINEMA STRANGE is one the most promising bands from the USA at the moment. (A.P.)
(retirado daqui)

"I drag my right arm through the sawdust... he hasn't opened his eyes in months. He was a small dog. He lost his hat and he never made a very convincing primate. I was painted red and silver. Now I'm lonely, lost my dollar, and my dog, he rots."

"There were children calling my name. They spat upon my paper shoes... I touched their ice cream. I sang through cardboard. I stared at shadows. I don't know who watched... perhaps they hate me. I was painted red and silver. Now I'm ugly, lost my flower, and I'm seeing spots."
(Red and Silver Fantastique - Cinema Strange)

Cinema Strange é música para malkavianos.

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