Eu sou um Clurichaun!!!
Depois de muita procura, finalmente descobri qual é o meu Kith de Changeling...
Clurichauns are inherently Irish no matter where they're from, and always wear green. They have a knack of getting along with people, but also at getting away when there's trouble. They are very emotional and are frequently moved to tears or fisticuffs. Clurichauns don't really have pots of gold. Clurichauns and leprechauns are the same thing by 2 different names. Clurichauns like to sing, though not always well, and drink .... a lot!They are tird to the spirit of the land and people of Ireland: it defines their identity as a Kith and they are bound by the Dreaming go protect it. They spread out from Ireland even early and early Clurichauns in England were called "buttery spirits" (among other Kithain who were called the same.) They frequently live in old-fashioned pubs and inns, where they aid good proprietors and wreak mischief for bad ones. CLURICHAUNS ARE TRADITIONALLY SHOEMAKERS FOR THE FAE, BUT NEVER CARRY MORE THAN ONE SHOE AT A TIME SO THEY AREN'T SLOWED DOWN IN ESCAPES. The often carry snuff boxes not only for pipe smoking, but to aid in escapes by making their would-be captors blink and sneeze. They are considered Gallain by many Kithain, but the reasons are unclear.
Clurichauns secretly refer to themselves as the Daoine Sidhe, a name they received from their mortal kin during the Sundering, and know their Kith to have once been very similar in the Sidhe before the Sundering. Clurichaun history links them to a hero named Mil, supposedly from Spain, who led them in conquest of Ireland against the Tuatha De Danaan in the early Sundering and they would secretly call themselves House Mil, or the sons of Mil. Then the Sons of Mil conquered Ireland, they drove the defeated Tuatha De Danaan underground into the raths and burghs and asserted their own rule above, only later retreating to the raths and burghs themselves during the later Sundering once the Sidhe had fled to Arcadia. The tradition Clurichaun courts of Hoouse Mil with their own kings lasted until the end of the Irish royal line in the 12th century, when the English conquered Ireland. The magic that binds the Clurichauns to Ireland consists of a prophecy given to the sons of Mil linked with the grace of the Tuatha goddess Eriu. When the Shattering came, Clurichauns as a whole stuck it out in Ireland, not retreating to Arcadia. They once ruled over the Piskies and their Pictish kin in Scotland, but it ended badly enough that Clurichauns resent Piskies to this day.
Daniel Duende é escritor, brasiliense, e tradutor (talvez nesta ordem). Sofre de um grave vício em video-games do qual nunca quis se tratar, mas nas horas vagas de sobriedade tenta descobrir o que é ser um blogueiro. Outras de suas paixões são os jogos de interpretação e sua desorganizada coleção de quadrinhos. Vez por outra tira também umas fotografias, mas nunca gosta muito do resultado.
Duende é atualmente o Coordenador do Global Voices em Português, site responsável pela tradução do conteúdo do observatório blogosférico Global Voices Online, e vez por outra colabora com o Overmundo. Mantém atualmente dois blogues, o Novo Alriada Express e O Caderno do Cluracão, e alterna-se em gostar ora mais de um, ora mais de outro, mas ambos são filhos queridos. Tem também uma conta no flickr, um fotolog e uma gata branca que acredita que ele também seja um gato.
Duende é atualmente o Coordenador do Global Voices em Português, site responsável pela tradução do conteúdo do observatório blogosférico Global Voices Online, e vez por outra colabora com o Overmundo. Mantém atualmente dois blogues, o Novo Alriada Express e O Caderno do Cluracão, e alterna-se em gostar ora mais de um, ora mais de outro, mas ambos são filhos queridos. Tem também uma conta no flickr, um fotolog e uma gata branca que acredita que ele também seja um gato.
sexta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2005
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