Daniel Duende é escritor, brasiliense, e tradutor (talvez nesta ordem). Sofre de um grave vício em video-games do qual nunca quis se tratar, mas nas horas vagas de sobriedade tenta descobrir o que é ser um blogueiro. Outras de suas paixões são os jogos de interpretação e sua desorganizada coleção de quadrinhos. Vez por outra tira também umas fotografias, mas nunca gosta muito do resultado.

Duende é atualmente o Coordenador do Global Voices em Português, site responsável pela tradução do conteúdo do observatório blogosférico Global Voices Online, e vez por outra colabora com o Overmundo. Mantém atualmente dois blogues, o Novo Alriada Express e O Caderno do Cluracão, e alterna-se em gostar ora mais de um, ora mais de outro, mas ambos são filhos queridos. Tem também uma conta no flickr, um fotolog e uma gata branca que acredita que ele também seja um gato.

quarta-feira, 10 de agosto de 2005

Toda vida daria um filme...
o que acontece quando um cara, um cara como eu e você, problemáticos como nós humanos podemos ser, pegasse uma câmera e começasse a filmar a sua vida aos onze anos? O que aconteceria se este cara fosse um viciado em guardar coisas, acumulando um material imenso sobre si mesmo? O que aconteceria se de repente este cara aprendesse a mexer com um software de edição de vídeo e se tocasse de que sua vida, como qualquer vida humana real, daria um documentário? TARNATION.

"TARNATION is thirty-one year old director Jonathan Caouette?s inspiring documentary self-portrait, chronicling his chaotic upbringing in a dysfunctional Texas family and the unexpected relationship that develops with his mentally-ill mother Renee.

The film begins with the early history of Caouette?s family. His grandparents, Adolph and Rosemary, were married in 1951 and experienced a middle-class life in a Houston suburb. But their idyllic early years quickly disintegrate after they opt to incarcerate their beauty-queen daughter Renee, who undergoes shock therapy after a suspected mental condition is diagnosed. Renee¹s personality is severely compromised after two years of treatment, resulting in a tortured life of mental illness, physical abuse, and a seemingly endless series of hospitalizations. Her saving grace arrives in the form of her son,

Jonathan, born in 1972.

As Jonathan grows up on camera over a two-decade span, he forges an unbreakable, often heartbreaking bond with Renee, discovering along the way his own personal difficulty - depersonalization, an affliction involving feelings of detachment from one¹s own body or thoughts. Using filmmaking and self-documentation as a means of escape and salvation, Jonathan eludes his harsh existence through the safe, controlled world of cinema and make-believe. He becomes enthralled with underground movies, musical theatre and alternative gay culture, and yearns for the day when he can escape Texas and make a life of his own. As a young adult Jonathan migrates to New York City and finds a secure, loving home with boyfriend David Sanin Paz. His relationship with Renee grows even deeper after a lithium overdose requires sacrifice, compassion and an outpouring of love.

Included in TARNATION are fragments from Caouette?s personal collection of photographs, home movies, audio recordings, video diaries, answering machine messages, Hollywood movie clips, pop music samples and excerpts from his own short films. While undeniably a documentary at heart, TARNATION mines a greater terrain, serving up a history of late twentieth century popular culture and family life that plays out like a collective fever dream. Caouette?s devastating yet hopeful vision becomes a haunting and beautiful examination of the restless soul of America."

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